
Peter McSherry, lawyer discusses the risks of no financing conditions on real estate offers

55% of people rent for 1-5 years before they buy their first home

  Did you know that 55% of people rent for 1-5 years before they buy their first...

Do you need a new mortgage broker?

  Are you moving and you don’t like your bank/mortgage broker? We help orphaned clients! Our goal...

Renew the mortgage early to get a better rate if it’s coming up for renewal this year

  If your mortgage is renewing in the next year, it’s probably going to be renewing from...

Financing renovations on your home

  Financing renovations on your home. If you’re expecting the renovations to be done in less than four...

The Mortgage Centre House Haunting commercial – short version

Here’s the 30-second version of our House Haunting commercial. Get into that dream house even if the...

Canada Revenue Agency and Self-Employed

Canada Revenue Agency and being Self-Employed. If a self-employed person owns a house and has equity in...